12 Oct 2022We are good to go!From our factory to your fleet and customers, PAXXON is going through half a world. Now, we are good to go!
26 Sep 2022Finding patterns is the essence of wisdom“Finding patterns is the essence of wisdom.” —Dennis PragerYes, literally, finding the tires with the right pattern is a much more important way to keep your truck continuously in an efficient and perfect status. But, there are many types of different patterns. Are they designed for variety road conditions? How to tell the different types in one picture?Check the table as below, it’s an easy to learn what different patterns designed for and what PAXXON offers for you.
15 Sep 2022Paxxon is on the way!Paxxon is on the way! From the factory in Thailand, across milion waves on the ocean, then mounted on your trucks, Paxxon is going through every step of progress. Check our website to find more.
13 Sep 2022PTM58: Wider, Deeper, and Stronger!In long haul or mix road operation, what heavy-duty trucks need are reliable tires to provide enough traction and stable performance on variety road conditions. PTM58 is the very design for this application. With wider and deeper tread and strong casting, PTM58 can make your driving much safe and stable.
29 Aug 2022Actually you cannot!Can we find a kind of tyre which is low fuel consumption, excellent traction, and long usage? The answer is no if we keep producing tyre from rubber. The "tyre performance triangle" tells us the three points of performance cannot be achieved in one tyre. But we can find a proper balance if we know what we need. It's known that trucks and buses need better traction and braking performance to move and stop their heavy bodies and loadings. But comfortable driving and fuel c
10 Aug 2022That’s how Paxxon rolling to you from Thailand