26 Jul 2022THE DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH! Rough road or no road, you can count on PAXXON PDM38!The diamond in the rough!Rough road or no road,you can count on PDM38!Special design for the off-road and mixed road surfaces.
26 Jul 2022It’ kind of my speed! —PAXXON got the end-user’s thumb up in Europe.Driving experience from drivers and X²nology on the roadRubber tires are the only parts of vehicle to contact the road. An efficient and stable driving experience is always the highest prioritized topic for tire design. X²nology assure maximum reliability of tires and your vehicle under variety or extreme environmental conditions with improved durability and dynamic balance technology
21 Jun 2022The Heat Is On! 5 tips for your truck tires in hot summer
12 May 2022welcome to our booth in THE TIRE COLOGNE 2022 Exhibition.
23 Jul 2021The P-ECO PAR28, PTR58 Sample Tires Ready in ThailandThis week we’ve finished the trial production of 4specifications in Thailand, including theP-ECO PAR28 315/80R22.5,P-ECO PAR28 315/70R22.5,P-ECO PAR28 295/80R22.5,P-ECO PTR58 385/65R22.5. Together with the samples which were ready oneweek before,P-ECO PAM38 315/80R22.5 and 13R22.5,P-ECO PDM38 315/80R22.5 and 13R22.5.Till Now we have 8 specifications samples ready andwe are under lab testing with the existing samples. Next week we will start the trial production withfollowing specifications, th
12 Jul 2021The P-ECO PAM38, PDM38 Trial Production Launched in ThailandIn the end of last week, we’ve finished the “round 1” trial production of 4 specifications in Thailand, the P-ECO PAM38 315/80R22.5 and 13R22.5, P-ECO PDM38 315/80R22.5 and 13R22.5. PAXXON will have totally 11 specifications produced in Thailand in the first phase. The trial production of the other 7 specifications will be arranged next week. After the trial production, all the 11 specifications will be ready for serial production in the end of July, or early August.